Sunday, December 20, 2009

Still going... but slowly!

Here we are. It is almost the end of 2009. We're still progressing, but slowly. We have re-routed some electrical and plumbing to make the front space as wide open as possible.

Last week we had flooring installed. We chose custom milled fir flooring. The planks are 6" wide, are tongue and groove and were pre-drilled then screwed to the floor - seriously solid flooring!Note the spelling - my neice, who loves animals, was a little alarmed when she overheard a conversation as she imagined fur flooring. I assure you, we will not be skinning any rabbits for our floors!
Seeing the flooring has really inspired me with ideas for the layout in the front. I struggled for quite a while. I wanted the space to really reflect how much we cared about the building, to make a positive impression for people walking past. I really hope people will like what I have come up with - my goal is to honor the past, infuse some modern design and thinking outside the box (like a metaphor for what is needed in Crowsnest).

So here is a quick picture showing the flooring. I also threw in one picture of the finished suite's entrance at night. As much as the expenses for the building have gone waaaaay beyond anything I budgeted for, the reward has been well worth it. Our former financial adviser got very upset with me because I was willing to throw so much money at the building. My argument: I'd rather spend my money on the Bellevue Building, to make a difference (I hope), to feel immense personal satisfaction, and PERHAPS make money off it someday than invest in faceless corporations run by greedy executives.